Ali, a student from Bahawalnagar left school in grade 1 because of his mother’s passing. He would sell samosas to the students of the school he previously studied with. This school also happened to be one of the schools which was under DOSTI's wings. 2 years later, Ali spotted his former classmates involved in DOSTI activities and showed interest.
DOSTI is a highly interactive programme that focuses on the key aspects of the learning environment in school, and incorporates activities both inside and outside the classroom to promote a higher level of engagement.
The DOSTI teacher (Muhammad Yousaf) and DOSTI Coordinator (Rizwan Iqbal) reached out to his father and requested him to allow Ali to be re-enrolled in the school. After several attempts, Ali’s father eventually allowed him to resume his studies. The physical activities as well as the other DOSTI success stories helped him develop important skills.
"DOSTI has instilled into us a life-long love of physical activities and storytelling. This experience has improved our abilities to do better and learn more in classrooms." said Ali.
Ali was encouraged to take part in one of the races conducted by DOSTI. He decided to compete in the 100-meter race and ended up winning. His journey and dedication was praised and acknowledged by multiple notable individuals of the community who were present for this event.
Ali praises the DOSTI programme for giving him an opportunity to fulfil his potential.