WOW Bites
Saturday, 02 December 2017 -
12:30 to 13:30
Main stage

What is a WOW Bite?

WOW Bites are short talks, readings and soapbox moments on a wide range of subjects, designed to inspire, engage and introduce audiences to all sorts of different facts, ideas and ways of thinking.

Suitable for all ages.

About the speakers

Nuzhat Shirin | From Journalism to Legal Rights

Nuzhat Shirin is the chairperson for the Provincial Commission on the Status of Women, Sindh.

 Radha Bheel

Radha Bheel | The Unheard Voices: Minority Women in Pakistan

Radha is a minority and women rights activist from Mirpur Khas, Sindh and an expert in rural issues of Sindh.

Nida Esapzai | Emerging Issues in Feminism

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Bites, Sunday
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