Active Citizens - Expression Of Interest - University Programme
Active Citizens - Expression Of Interest - University Programme

Frequently Asked Questions: 

Q1. What is the duration of the partnership?

A1. The partnership will be for 12 months in the first year, and then extended into three years.

Q2. What is the maximum number of young leaders a University partner can engage?

A2. Proposed number of young people in undergraduate classes by the applicant organisation will be reviewed and a mutually agreed number of young leaders will be engaged by the partner organisation to complete the full programme.

Q3. What are the four modules to be taught in classrooms? How long is each module and the minimum classroom sessions required for each?

A3. The programme includes four modules (to be delivered over 32 classroom hours) followed by a field project ‘social action project” (to be implemented in 64 actual hours). Module titles are “Identity and culture”, “Intercultural dialogue”, “citizenship” and “social action planning”, followed by a field project identified by students. Each module is of maximum eight classroom teaching hours. The faculty facilitators may deliver the modules in 32 hours, divided into 2 – 4 hour slots on weekly basis, over a semester. The field project may be completed in maximum two semesters by the students. 

Q4. How long will be the faculty facilitators’ development workshop?

A4. The facilitators’ development workshop will be of five days.

Q5. Is it compulsory for all young leaders to launch/engage with social action projects?

A5. Yes, it is mandatory for all young leaders participating in the programme to attend the four modules and plan and execute a social action project.

Q6. Will the British Council provide any management expenses? What will be the university partner’s responsibility?

A6. The British Council will provide technical and mentoring support to university partners for developing and implementing the programme. The management of the programme is not cost intensive and manageable within normal working. The university partner will be leading on implementation of the programme by embedding the course work within the academic calendar, setting up joint events and actively participating in national and international networking opportunities.

Q7. What reporting mechanisms are there to report to British Council?

A7. British Council will be seeking half yearly reports from the partners to track programme delivery. Each university partner will designate a staff member with identified criteria to lead on the programme coordination and liaison with the British Council team. 

Q8. Will there be an agreement with British Council for the partnership?

A8. Yes. For each partner, there will be specific ToRs as per programme development plan. The agreement will have a legal status and will need prior agreement before final signing by both parties.

Q9. Will this partnership offer guaranteed visits to UK?

A9. No. British Council will not offer guaranteed visits to UK for partners. However, opportunities for national and international networking will be shared with all partners as and when required and inclusive selection processes will be setup to ensure transparency in selecting participants.

Q10. Is British Council a donor/UK government agency? 

A10. No. British Council is not a donor agency and neither UK government body. British Council is a registered charity in England. 

Active Citizens Programme Brief 

Active Citizens is a global programme run by the British Council and its partners in over 30 countries. It promotes community cohesion and development through capacity building of young leaders for civic engagement and volunteering. Active Citizens are young, empowered leaders who bring positive changes to their communities through social action.

 Active Citizens in Institutions

The programme is a partnership offer between British Council and the Higher Education Commission (HEC), which offers a 4-credit hour course “Citizenship Education and Community Engagement” to students of colleges and universities in order to setup institutionalized avenues for students to engage in community service. 

The course offers a comprehensive package to Universities students that cover training on citizenship, opportunities for sustained community engagement, and a chance to participate in youth exchanges and policy dialogues at both the national and international level. 

It also offers an opportunity to faculty members to build their capacity as facilitator by enhancing their understanding on Global Citizenship and participatory methodologies. 

The Active Citizens Programme Coordinator


  1. Pakistani national
  2. Must be full time mid/senior level employee of the University
  3. Minimum five years’ work experience in management and coordination related activities
  4. Must be involved in extracurricular activities at the University level (placement/career counselling office, faculty development,
  5. Strong understanding of university’s planning, scheduling of term and examinations
  6. Strong decision making/assertive skills in order to facilitate course schedules and activities with different departments and their senior teams
  7. Good interpersonal skills, good manager of groups, excellent at synthesis and analysis, good presentation skills.
  8. Understanding of and commitment to local community development, local community systems and processes
  9. Strong sense and understanding of local and national culture and identity.
  10. Excellent communication skills in relation to target audience and cross cultural groups
  11. Established local and national professional networks
  12. Experience of mentoring young people in learning and development


  1. Experience of working with the local community
  2. Experience of working on Youth development and youth issues
  3. Understanding of BC agenda in relation to diversity and working effectively with difference.
  4. Strong English language skills
  5. Strong local language skills


  • The Active Citizens programme coordinator will be responsible for:Planning, scheduling and coordinating programme implementation activities with all concerned departments as per programme delivery framework, implementation tools and methodologies shared by the British Council
  • Liaise and sign off department plans with respective HoD/Dean and faculty facilitators in consultation with British Council and HEC contact persons
  • Lead on all university level activity including SAP events, certification ceremonies, policy dialogues, exchange visits and any other event as agreed by the University, British Council or HEC
  • Coordinate at regional and national level with the AC coordinators’ network in order to share and exchange programme activity updates
  • Support trainings of faculty members led by British Council through selection, coordination and confirmation of identified faculty members as per agreed timelines
  • Monitoring & Evaluation: Manage programme data, implement monitoring tools and maintain records as prescribed in the programme implementation toolkit and report to HEC and British Council periodically (on agreed templates and  agreed deadlines)
  • Focal point for digital engagement including website, social media tools for students and faculty for monitoring and promotion purposes

The application form is attached below. All the details are included within.

See also